19 August 2022

I will admit that I have thought about, but have not been able to, update this blog for the past month. I made it home safely, and I have learned a lot on the way. Classes begin in 3 days. I will continue working on this website when I have time, but I have more pressing matters to attend to right now.

7 July 2022

As of last week, I have registered for my first semester of courses. Very exciting! I just got off of an unusually long work week, which will be followed by another very long one. No doubt exists that this is related to the following week which I have taken off to visit friends in the Florida panhandle. This would be the first long distance road trip that I have taken without parents, and moreover the first one that I would be driving on with only the supervision of another friend. My driving skills are not perfect, but the largest risk of the interstate is dying of boredom. I think I will be okay. Soon-ish I want to overhaul the appearance of the home page, and maybe change the nav bar a little bit to add more flavor. I also plan to add a form to the "Contact Me!" page from which I can receive emails, so that it is easier to send direct feedback.

25 June 2022

I'm writing this the morning after I registered this website. What I've started is rather a basic foundation but it will suit my needs very well for the time being. There will certainly be large design changes down the line, however. This website is built entirely from scratch, as I didn't like the lack of control that wordpress offered. While that decision may negatively impact how "pretty" this site is for now, as I keep going I feel that the difference will be negligible in time. I was prompted to do all this when a friend told me that I really should have had a personal website and a github with lots of projects months ago. I had neither, and so I am correcting this oversight now. The "Home" page is just a basic landing page, "Projects" will display things that I work on, "Skills" will essentially be an autobiography, "Blog" will contain updates either about the state of the website or my personal life, and "Contact Me!" will feature numerous avenues through which we can get in touch.